Nilsson Energy

Interview with Malin Ehrle

Interview with Malin Ehrle

”I'm looking forward to next year when the exiting projects I'm working on today is being commissioned.”

Meet Malin Ehrle, Project Manager at Nilsson Energy

Malin is working as project manager and started at Nilsson Energy in August 2022. She is an engineer who majored in chemical engineering and has previously worked as a process engineer, project engineer and project lead for among others: Jacobs, Sweco, Procesus and Neste.

Why did you apply for Nilsson Energy?

I have been very interested in sustainability for some time and believe that storing renewable energy in hydrogen is an important part of the puzzle for future energy solutions. With my background I have the right experience to contribute and develop the way we work with projects at Nilsson Energy. Within my role I have personnel responsibility which I enjoy.

What is most fun with working at Nilsson Energy?

It's exiting learning about the field of hydrogen and how different applications work for different needs. I am, like many, pretty new at the job and it's fun to be part in shape the company for the future. Since the company grows rapidly it can be frustrating but it's fun to be part in the work of change and improvements. Although we have challenges it's a very nice atmosphere and nice co-workers.

I'm looking forward to next year when the exiting projects I'm working on today is being commissioned as well as the development which will happen in another 4-5 years when processes, routines and more co-workers with the competence is in place. I feel like I'm at the right place!

Tip for people wanting to work at Nilsson Energy?

My tip is that you need to be humble for the fact that we are a start-up and everything is not in place yet. Everyone has a genuine interest in what we are doing and is committed in the company and how the field is developing.

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