Nilsson Energy

Sustainable leadership and environmental challenges

Sustainable leadership and environmental challenges

On Nov 7 Nilsson Energy was invited to Trädgårdens skola in Mariestad by Länsförsäkringar and Högskolan i Skövde to give a talk on its renewable energy solutions RE8760.

An audience of plus 50 individuals, politicians, local business owners and the general public alike listened actively to Mr Pär Holmgren, famous meteorologist and risk prevention specialist at Länsförsäkringar, setting the scene about the current global climate situation. Mr Holmgren painted a dark canvas and strongly underlined the serious situation mankind is facing and the outmost importance of political and individual leadership needed "yesterday" to save our planet. His talk was followed by Mr Sandor Ujvari a scientist from Högskolan i Skövde who focused on the importance of ecology and economy to make change. Martina Wettin from Nilsson Energy then gave her talk on the remedies that actually exist and the positive leadership shown by the municipality of Mariestad through "Electivillge". Mr Jonas Johansson, Mariestad Development Director, proudly presented all of the local project and initiatives aimed at turning environmental challenges into opportunities.  Please view this film for further information.

photo: Teknikföretagen "Bredda bilden"


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