Nilsson Energy

Successful participation at Exhibition in Mariestad

Successful participation at Exhibition in Mariestad

Approx. 10.000 people visited the "Bomässan-exhibition" in Mariestad between Feb. 23 - Feb. 25 making the event a formidable success. Nilsson Energy had the great opportunity of meeting customers and the general public face to face discussing energy solutions for present and future energy system solutions.

In addition to meeting the general public in the exhibition showroom, Hans-Olof Nilsson gave two public talks during the event. These gained lots of positive feedback from the crowd and since they were delivered in co-operation with VänerEnergi (Mr. Harald Bouma) and the Swedish Hydrogen Association (Mr. Björn Aronsson) the attendees were given an holistic view on energy solutions including hydrogen. Mr. Nilsson spoke in a very pragmatic manner about how a Nilsson Energy solution "RE8760" works and illuminated the different applications that are currently being developed and built in Mariestad and Vårgårda.

Nilsson Energy would like to extend a warm "thank you!" to the organisers of the Exhibition, the municipality of Mariestad, VänerEnergi and the Swedish Hydrogen association for providing such a fruitful event.

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