Nilsson Energy

Pressrelease - Nilsson Energy establishes a hydrogen filling station at the Port of Gothenburg

Pressrelease - Nilsson Energy establishes a hydrogen filling station at the Port of Gothenburg

A hydrogen filling station for heavy vehicles is being planned at the Port of Gothenburg.

Vision image of the refueling station and the hydrogen storage. The image is not to scale and may change.

A hydrogen filling station for heavy vehicles is being planned at the Port of Gothenburg. The filling station will be right next to the entrance of the Gothenburg RoRo Terminal – one of the places in Sweden most intensively used by trucks. The station will supply green hydrogen only and is set to be completed in September 2023.

Nilsson Energy has received funds to establish a hydrogen filling station at Port 6, Port of Gothenburg, through an award in the Energy Agency's call for Regional electrification pilots for heavy transport.

"Building a hydrogen filling station in such a central junction for heavy vehicles and for the automotive industry, as well as Scandinavia's largest port and the gateway to the world for large parts of Swedish industry, is very motivating," says Nilsson Energy's CEO Pontus Lundgren.”

In close cooperation with the Port of Gothenburg and other nearby stakeholders, Nilsson Energy will contribute to the construction of tank infrastructure for green hydrogen.

“It’s a much-requested addition to the port, one that’s also fully in line with our strategy to create conditions for accelerating the transport industry’s transition to fossil-free,” says Viktor Allgurén, Head of Innovation at the Gothenburg Port Authority.

The investment in the port is a strategically important step on Nilsson Energy's growth journey. A journey that began with the company already in 2018 delivering decentralized production of green hydrogen to Mariestad municipality's investment in hydrogen for transport. Having proven experience and being able to offer its own experienced staff for service and maintenance means that Nilsson Energy can take a unique overall responsibility for establishments like the one now planned in the Port of Gothenburg.

Nilsson Energy's is today a central part of the principal owner Qarlbo AB's long-term investments in the hydrogen area. Through Qarlbo´s subsiduary REH2, there is also an establishment of the Nordic region's largest network of hydrogen gas filling stations taking place. This including local production of green hydrogen. The project is realized together with The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency along with other central government agencies and the county administrative boards to support local climate investments through the call the Climate Leap (Klimatklivet). The establishment in the Port of Gothenburg is another step in Nilsson Energy's and Qarlbo's long-term work to assist the transport industry and vehicle manufacturers in their work to ensure the transition to fossil-free transport. 


Where: At the Port of Gothenburg by gate 6, just next to Gothenburg RoRo Terminal and Arken Intermodal Terminal.

When: Completed before September 2023How: The station will deliver green hydrogen generated by solar, wind or hydro power.

Hydrogen capacity: 1,500 kg, approx. 35 trucks/day

How many vehicles can fill up simultaneously: 2

Investment cost: SEK 35 million. The project is being financed in full by the Swedish Energy Agency.

About Nilsson Energy

Nilsson Energy is a Swedish system integrator and supplier of turnkey renewable energy systems with hydrogen as an energy carrier. Decentralized hydrogen production from renewable sources forms the basis of the product portfolio. The company spans the entire value chain, including service and maintenance. Nilsson Energy is a subsidiary of Qarlbo AB. The company has an office and research lab at Lindholmen in Gothenburg, a local office in Mariestad and a facility at Gateway Säve for development and construction of the company's container-based products.

For further information please contact

Martina Wettin, Co-Founder/Chief Business Development Officer
+46 736 187 404

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