Nilsson Energy

Meet Nilsson Energy in Mariestad at "Bomässan" Novab Arena Feb. 23 - 25

Meet Nilsson Energy in Mariestad at "Bomässan" Novab Arena Feb. 23 - 25

Nilsson Energy will be represented at the public exhibition "Bomässan" at Novab Arena in Mariestad Friday Feb. 23 - Sunday Feb. 25.

Please visit us at exhibition showroom No. 111 where we will be highlighting the possibilities a hydrogen society is bringing. Nilsson Energy will be sharing the task together with Mariestad´s municipality, Swedish Hydrogen Association and UNESCO/Biosphere.

Hans-Olof Nilsson will be giving two talks on Friday and Saturday sharing his experience as a system integrator as well as highlighting the current projects being realized in Mariestad.

For further information please follow the link below.

The exhibition is open:
Friday 12.00-18.00
Saturday 10.00-17.00
Sunday 10.00-17.00

Looking forward to meeting you!
The Nilsson Energy Team

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