Nilsson Energy

Interview with Axel Book

Interview with Axel Book

"Fun working in a field developing this rapidly"

Meet Axel Book, electrical engineer at Nilsson Energy in Gothenburg.

Axel is an engineer who majored in electrical engineering. He started working at Nilsson Energy in June 2022 and has previously worked at "Omexom" and "Fasteus Teknik" where he among other things worked with documentation and testing for switchgear and power stations.

Why did you apply for a job at Nilsson Energy?

I have been interested in renewable energy for a long time and have since my graduation been looking for companies working within this field. When the application for an electrical engineer at Nilsson Energy showed up in my feed I felt I had to apply since this felt like the right opportunity for me, not only the role but the whole company felt exiting. In addition to this, storing green energy in hydrogen fells like the right way forward for the future.

What are you working with?

Since Nilsson Energy is a company which is growing fast I have been doing a lot of different things. Except for being part of creating documentation for electrical installations and control systems for hydrogen systems which the company delivers I have been part of project planning for new projects.

What is most fun with working at Nilsson Energy?

I enjoy being close to the technology and be part of the whole chain! My colleagues and I learn new things every day. Since we are part of a new and immature field with few standards and processes ready we all help each other moving forward. It's fun being part of influence Nilsson Energy's development.

Tip for people wanting to work at Nilsson Energy?

It is important to be comfortable in the insecurity! What I mean by that is since both the company and the field we are in is new and it can at moments feel a bit messy. It's required that you are active and part of moving forward in your work if you don't find the right information or the process to do something is missing. If you like to be in the center of attention, Nilsson Energy is right for you!

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