Nilsson Energy

First vital RE8760 module in place in Mariestad

First vital RE8760 module in place in Mariestad

The first and vital module of RE8760, a solar park delivered by Nilsson Energy´s highly professional sub-contractor AT-Solar, is in place in Mariestad. The solar park will shortly be connected and make use of the abundance of sun currently shining over the site adjacent to the already established hydrogen refuelling station.

The solar powered station and its energy storage, also intended for voltage/frequence regulation of the local grid,will be inaugurated in the autumn of 2018.
The next RE8760 moduls to be installed are hydrogen storage containers, a fuelcell, battery and inverter container followed by containers containing electrolyser and compressor.

The project in Mariestad has gained lots of national and international exposure.
Please stay tuned for further development of this game-changing project.

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